Website Welcome 2022


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022. Iryna x


Welcome to my brand new website and my very first blog post. Launching something new is always a little bit scary and hopefully there will not be too many teething problems along the way. I am always looking for new ideas and please feel free to let me know what works well for you on the website…as well as what doesn’t!! I am wanting to keep it fresh looking, interactive and informative and very much welcome your feedback and input.

I really wanted to start by saying a big thank you to all my clients who have supported my career so far over many years. Without you I would not have been able to grow my career in a subject I feel passionate about, health and fitness. Also a big welcome to my new clients or anyone else who may simply be interested in getting fitter and healthier or who are simply looking for a little more information.

A little about me. I am originally from Ternopil, a large town in western Ukraine where I studied studied a 5 year degree course in Sports and Physical Training. From a young age I loved to dance, with ballet and rhythmic gymnastics being two of my favourite activities. I was also a fast sprinter but I’m not sure I have the same turn of pace these days!! When I arrived in the UK, over 15 years ago, it was a natural progression to pursue a career in personal training and I furthered my education with qualifications in ante and post natal exercise, boxing, and more recently Pilates. The latter has become a real passion for me and I am pleased to be offering several new Pilates courses in the new year, both online via Zoom as well as in our bespoke exercise Studio in West Molesey. The courses may be booked and paid for online via the website and I am pleased to be offering an INTRODUCTORY CHRISTMAS 25% DISCOUNT for all of these 6 week courses.

Living in such turbulent times with COVID, it has never been more important to focus on our own health and wellbeing. When I train with clients it is not just all about exercise. I will always offer tips on nutrition and talk to you about healthy eating and managing weight effectively for the long term. There is strong evidence to show those who are overweight or obese may struggle more if they contract COVID. Combining healthy eating with a regular exercise regime is therefore so important.

I offer 1:1 training outdoors or in our Exercise Studio, far safer than in busy gym environments. Equipment is wiped down before and after use and we ensure adequate ventilation and advise clients to take regular lateral flow tests to ensure they are Covid negative before training in the Studio.

Of course, my new online Zoom Pilates classes are the ultimate way in which you can ensure safety whilst training at your own home location. My online courses have a maximum 6 places so that I can ensure close attention to each individual, correcting and advising you throughout the class.

I will be posting monthly Blogs from now on, choosing topics such as, Exercise Adherence, Pilates for men, New Year nutrition tips as well as a selection of exercise videos to help keep you on track.

Lastly I wish you all a very merry Christmas and send best wishes for a happy and healthy 2022.

Iryna x


Is Pilates as good as everyone says? Check out this recent New York times article.